Train your brain with Karen Darke

Karen’s coaching is inspirational! She helped me to realise that I could take on any challenge I wanted through her accounts of everyday people like me who had completed some amazing tasks. I found her fear and problem solving strategies particularly useful in overcoming self doubt in all areas of my life.

My coaching business is my passion, but anything out of the ordinary I seem to enjoy. My coaching partnership offers styling and leadership coaching sessions. We offer an encouraging process to those who like to excel in areas outside their daily work life such as spiritual, mental or physical development, personal relationships and healthy leadership.

We will use your own stories of challenges that you have already overcome and learn the value of being like the child that would try new things. We understand that what you missed when you were very young and do not know what will be fun and rewarding for you now. We will work with you like crazy and you might lack motivation, don't worry you are in good company.

You have to get past the doubt, worry and opposition of your self image to arrive at a decision that your goal is feasible! We can handle this once we are working on your intuitive drive and not your intellectual opinions.

Karens advise is to be firm and not look at the energy in the room. If you see a chair between you and our seat stop looking at it. It will certainly not help your learning process as when you do this you stop the process of forward progress and could make a negative remark to the universe about your future likes and dislikes. You will never get it now!

We will share about your relationships and the guidelines that Karen wanted to share about different types of relationships for you to fulfil potential. Karen will also support people and clients to plan how they might look at how they relate to people in the future.

She will want you to reflect about what could be better and work on how your relationships would be enhanced if you chose to change. She would want you to include a future for yourself too in your plans and actions and give you a time frame for the interaction.

Your decisions and actions today will affect your future relationships and life in general. Your complete respect and honour of Karen Fallows views means that you are contributing to the bigger picture of the planet and have something to offer NOTHING.

The problem is that people do not have the opportunity to experience the level of nurturing and care she gives and this is YOUR chance to know what is missing in your lives as you are a fellow human who is evolving and transitioning along with the beautiful planet we have just discovered in the last few decades.

You will have opinions but as Karen would always say - "I don't have an opinion because we have an opinion" I would like to add to that - we have an website opinion because we are evolving in consciousness and leading a fuller life with the possibilities of more joy, love and compassion. We are here to "BE" and if we are not then how can we truly be and experience our own unique contribution to human development, evolution, harmony and progress?

Would you like to find your Inner Gold, then contact Karen now at Complete the contact form and start the journey today!

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